Cuddle Magic comes up frequently in my everyday thoughts and conversations because I happen to be married to one of the bandmates, but even if this wasn't the case (and I didn't have such a deep bias), I'd still be a major proponent of their music.
As I mentioned previously, last month I spent a few hours doing a photo shoot with the band. It was quite a bit of fun (I learned a TON!) and we came out with a few keepers for them to use as possible promo photos. (The photo displayed in the little widget down below is a one of them.)
Anyway, I could give you a huge back-story, but last week Cuddle Magic started a Kickstarter fundraising campaign and they're in need of help and donations.
If you happen to enjoy friendly people, artistic & thought-provoking music, vinyl records, bass clarinets, penguins, quirky poetry, or even my photo below.... why don't you at least check out their video on Kickstarter. And, if you're able, even a small donation would be soooo appreciated. (Plus, they have "rewards" for each donation amount.... and you could totally acquire the album, should you like. Which I think you'd like.)
Hugs! and thank you.